You need a passport valid for at least 6 months after you intend leaving
Visitors can be asked to provide proof of outgoing travel documents
or sufficient funds to provide for their needs during their stay.
The law requires you to carry identification at all times and you may be
asked to produce your documents by the police. Rather than carry original
documents, make a copy of your passport and other important documents and
have them NOTARISED and store your original documents safely.
Citizens of all countries except Malawi, Mauritius and South Africa need
an entry visa to visit Mozambique.
Visas must be obtained at Mozambican diplomatic embassies and missions
spread around the world before entering the country.
Allow at least 7 days for this
Visas can be arranged at the Kosi Bay border, if necessary.
It is advisable to request a receipt , as a “visa” at the Kosi
Bay border comes in the form of an entry stamp which is valid only
for Ponta do Ouro and surrounds (not for travel further North).
For contact details see Embassies & Consulates. Visas are obtainable
at Ressano Garcia Border Post as well as Kosi Bay
Vehicle Requirements:
If you are bringing in a vehicle:
A privately owned vehicle or trailer/boat trailer,
within the SADC (Southern African Development Community) countries must
have the registration book or documents. A much better idea is to make
certified copies of your registration papers and laminate them. You will
be required to show this upon entry at the border.
If the driver is not the registered owner, then a
letter from the Owner, authorising use of the vehicle is required.
If you are driving a hired vehicle, then the rental
company must give a letter of authorisation to the driver, to use the
vehicle in Mozambique.
Vehicles with a foreign registration must pay third
party insurance and road tax, this is R160,00 per vehicle.
It is strongly advised to insure your vehicle comprehensively and make
sure that cross-border travel is covered by your policy.
Traffic in Mozambique, as in South Africa, drives
on the left hand side of the road.
Two emergency triangles per vehicle are required
by law
If you are towing a boat or trailer you must have
the, yellow triangle on a blue background, towing sign on the front right
of your vehicle and on the back right of the boat or trailer.
The wearing of seatbelts is law in Mozambique
Make notarised copies of your drivers licence and
passports and NEVER GIVE YOUR DRIVERS LICENCE TO ANYBODY, give a notarised
copy instead.
Foreign Exchange:
There is no restriction on how much money can be brought into the country.
If you bring in more than the equivalent of US$5000,00, then you must fill
in a declaration form at the customs desk at the entry border. This is
so that you will be allowed to leave with more than US$5000,00 at the end
of your holiday. Money can be exchanged for meticais at banks and Bureau
de Change branches. It is advisable to change your money before entering
Avoid using the private people at the border trying to tempt you to exchange
with them, not only is it illegal, but you stand a very good chance of
being ripped off.
Foreign currency can be used to settle transactions, in fact some vendors
prefer this sort of transaction, but this is more applicable in the southern
parts of Mozambique.
For your foreign exchange requirements contact:- Travelex Foreign Exchange
It is MOST IMPORTANT TO PHONE BEFORE HAND (013 752 8318) and book your
foreign exchange in advance.
NB;PLEASE TAKE NOTE: When ordering foreign exchange, it is mandatory that
clients also complete the attached travel declaration form.
Foreign currency will only be processed on production of a valid air ticket,
passport, and proof of residential address.
Health Requirements:
Inoculations against disease like hepatitis, tetanus yellow fever etc are
not required to enter Mozambique. It is recommended however to consult
your own doctor before your trip and it would be wise to take precautions
against diseases such as hepatitis, malaria (very important), tetanus and
also yellow fever. If on your return home you do not feel well then notify
your doctor that you have been in Mozambique with possible exposure to
these diseases.
Foreign Exchange:
Do not utilise the people on the side
of the road. Not only is this illegal but you stand a very good chance
of being ripped off.
South African Side:
Enter the border building and complete a vehicle temporary export document
and gate pass, have them both stamped Proceed to immigration, with your
passports, where they will be stamped.
You will then be allowed through the South African side to the Mozambican
side of the border crossing
Mozambique Side:
You will receive a gate pass on entering Mozambique, make sure that you
obey the directions and signals of the border officers and that you stop
or park where they show you. Proceed to the immigration building.
Do NOT to let the locals, help you, with the paperwork. Customs officials
are not allowed to receive money, but helpers are, so they work together.
This means that together they will go through your belongings, to find
something, to make you pay for, where as the customs officials on his own
is less likely to go through your belongings.
All passengers plus the driver must personally go through passport control
at the immigration desk on the right as you walk in. in order to be allowed
to enter Mozambique.
Normal cameras and personal goods do not need to be declared, although
if you are uncertain, ask.
If you are taking anything of high value or electronic equipment through.
declare the items.
Items like laptops must be declared AND TAKE NOTE, fill in a separate form
for each person. I have had an experience where I entered Mozambique with
a friend and we declared our two laptops on one form. I exited 3 days before
my friend from Kosi Bay border post,with no problem and he exited from
Ressano Garcia 3 days later. When he went through customs they asked him
where the other laptop was and no amount of explanations sufficed.
They stated that he had sold the other laptop and was liable for R5000,00
duty. It cost him a bribe of R100,00 to avoid this blatant manipulation
and threat.
Very important - make sure that you have your 3rd party
Exit the building and find a customs official, usually dressed in a blue
uniform, with orange pull-over, he will check your vehicle to see that
no forbidden goods or plants are being brought into Mozambique. He will
sign your gate pass. This form you hand to the officer at the gate, who
will then allow you through into Mozambique.
You are allowed to take through, 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 grams
of tobacco, 1 litre of spirits, 2.25 litres of wine, 50 mls of perfume
and goods not exceeding the equivalent of US$200,00.
No drugs, firearms, ammunition or explosives may be taken into Mozambique.